April's Life

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Friday, June 01, 2007


Well, aside from the luggage mishaps, when we arrived in Guyana we were super blessed because we thought we would not have electricity, a bed, or water in the building we were staying in. God totally blessed us because the day before we arrived, the electrical, water and bunk beds were put into our dorm room!!! No sleeping on the floor and we could use our mosquito nets!!

So the first week we had lectures and the second week we went for our outreach to the interior. It was a LONG trek to get there. 2 boat rides, one 1/2 an hour, then an hour drive and then a 2 hour boat ride from one river, along the ocean coast onto another river. It was a lot of fun. On the second river we passed many Amerindians using their only mode of transportation, little canoe style boats which looked very unstirdy, but they seemed to know how to use them. Actually one time (I felt really bad about this) our boats wake made a little canoe boat flip over that had little girls in it. I don't understand how mothers can just let their babies sit at the front of the boats and just paddle at the back without life jackets. I guess it's just how it's always done. I did sleep on the floor in the interior and had to have a mosquito net as they have malaria there, but luckily none of our group members got it. You can see my Tortuga (Turtle) pillow there, helps make my bed feel more homely!

The interior was incredibly beautiful. The water in all of Guyana is brown though, even the ocean coastline is brown, none of the beautiful tourquise water, but that's because of all the rivers that flow into the ocean and all the silt and stuff.

I must admit I have never sweat so much as in Guyana and not been able to get clean as in Guyana. My feet seem to have permanent black spots on them. It rained practically every day which just created mud all over the place. But that gave us water to shower with so once we were out of the interior at least we could shower. Now in the Bahamas, we even have WARM water, but I still can't seem to get my feet clean!!!! I'm in definite need of a pedicure.


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