April's Life

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Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Guatemalan Experience

So Amber and I wanted our mothers to have the Guatemalan experience which definitely entailed learning how to make tortillas. We had a lot of fun doing this with my Guatemalan mom who went through all the steps with us. Needless to say, they still turned out more like pancakes than tortillas due to their thickness. We even actually ate them with honey which was a new thing jajaja. We also brought our moms to our Enlish class and I think they had a great time. Sometimes my mom was more disruptive than my students though! We also took them on the chicken bus, which is always an experience in itself, but to compensate for the crazy drivers and whatnot we also took them to beautiful cafes for desert. The picture of Amber and I by a rack of boots is in the market where while on our way over, all 4 of us actually got totally hit on by a bunch of guys. It was really annoying, but quite funny. We were carrying some cowboy boots and they tried grabbing them from us and putting their arms around us and everything. My mom was not impressed, but when she pretended like she would punch him :P jajaja he put his arm around her. I was like, "you don't touch my mom!" Anyways, that was a funny moment. Amber and I have never been harrassed like that in the market before, must be our beautiful mothers' fault. Anyways, so the pic with us and the boots is in the tienda-shop where they are being sold for us. A couple pairs have already been sold which is really exciting. Hopefully as people come to realize boots are being sold there, business will pick up. I think that's it for now. More on our trip to Monterrico beach soon!


At 6:03 AM, Blogger Roque said...

La profa, I think I would come to class just to see you.LOL


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