April's Life

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Sunday, June 03, 2007

Random Guyana photos


So here are a bunch of interesting pics. They range from me trying on wigs in Georgetown. They definitely don't work for me because my hair is too blonde at the front, but it was a fun time. There's me preaching my message about loving your neighbour and the story of the Good Samaritan. There is also a picture of us on the boat on our way to a little resort where we served lunch to Mothers on mother's day. On the way over though it poured rain on us. It was crazy because it was like we suddenly drove into this wall of rain, we were soaked. Then there is a picture of me and my Shakira hair after I took out my braids that I had in for over 2 weeks! Also there is a picture of a typical home in the Guyana interior. They are all built on stilts for when it floods.

The river near our home was actually very brown and a bunch of us girls would go swimming there instead of showering when we were low on water. We'd just wear our clothes in and then decided we wouldn't need to wash them, they'd be clean after. Well...this worked until we found bug bites all over our skin and one of the girls came down with an intestinal infection. We stopped swimming in the "black water" as locals call it after that.


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