More Guyana
So here are the last bunch of pics from Guyana. Well, I actually have many more, but for now I will post these. The one with the sign says "Any time is breastfeeding time. Breastfeeding from Mother beats all other." There are signs all over Guyana even into the interior about breastfeeding. You even see them on the highway like this one in the picture. I also learned to make roti and Indian dish and I bought one of their special irons so I hope to make it when I get home. I said previously that I preached a message, this is me in the Anglican church standing at the golden eagle pulpit. No, I didn't actually preach there, but it would've been really cool. The church is beautiful, the tallest free standing wooden structure in Guyana, I think. It's also 113 years old. There is also a picture of us girls mixing cement on the Parika YWAM base. I don't know why the guys were standing around, but we women were working hard! I'd seen this being done in Guatemala all the time with the houses that we were building, but in Guyana I actually got a chance to mix the cement. HARD WORK! Lastly, there is a picture of a home down our road after a days worth of rain. It rained a lot when we were there and I totally understand now why houses are on stilts. The whole road had water up to the houses, the ditches full and everything. It rained so much in such a short time. Rainy season!
Well, I have tons more pictures, but I think that's all I'll post for Guyana for now. I am currently in the Bahamas. Actually I've been here a week already. It's nice, but I haven't seen it to be as beautiful as some of the other countries I've been too. It's very touristy and Americanized that's for sure. But I have been getting my fair share of Starbucks, Hagen Dazs and other ice creams which is nice!
LOL typical guys staring around! while the ladies work
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